This section archives the various written deliverables that reflect the key stages of the project, from the initial needs formulated to the final results.
Phase 1 & 2 | Initial pilot coastal areas
At the beginning of the Coastal Erosion project, a large panel of public and private institutions identified as potential end users expressed their needs in terms of indicators to be monitored, periods and temporal frequencies, and areas of interest. The analysis of this large-scale survey, materialized in the form of the present document, made it possible to frame the development of tools and the production for erosion monitoring on various types of European coasts in line with the needs of the coastal managers. The Requirement Baseline is the first document produced in the framework of Space for Shore.
This document provides an overview of the algorithms proposed by the Space for Shore consortium to produce the main coastal erosion indicators requested by the interviewed end-users (refer to the Requirement Baseline and User Requirement Document Book), which usually address short-time scale monitoring. Some of these algorithms are also designed to produce the latter indicators over longer timescales with the perspective of demonstrating the potential of ESA Earth Observation data archives and other past/currently-growing freely available archives in the study of coastal erosion in the past 25 years at European scale.
Two documents have been edited. The first provides an overview of the candidate algorithms for the different morphological indicators tested during phase 1 of the project (2019). The second is an updated version of the first, depending on the maturity of the tools and the final production strategy adopted (phase 2, 2020).
This document provides an overview of the methodologies for validation of current indicators produced by the Space for Shore Consortium as well as the prospect of methodologies for validation of indicators or algorithms that were not tested during phase 1. Additionally, the validation results obtained for some indicators produced at different POC sites during the first phase of the project are also presented. These results disclose the necessity of future work (e.g., field surveys at some POC sites, new techniques of field data acquisition).
This document provides an exhaustive synthesis of the product validation results of current indicators produced by the Space for Shore Consortium as well as the associated methodologies for validation of indicators or algorithms. These results complete those already presented in the document released at the end of Phase 1 (Product Validation Plan (first validation results included)).
The document provides illustrations and overall quantifications of validation results for each algorithm of each indicator validated.
This document provides a synthesis of each project steps organized by work packages. Main results included in the deliverables are reported.
Phase 3 | New coastal areas
Document in preparation