Space For Shore Final Meeting & Webinar

Space For Shore Final Meeting
ESA Coastal Erosion Webinar

21st January 2021
Agenda will be updated soon

22nd January 2021
09:30 - 13:00
This webinar is addressed to Coastal Monitoring users, scientists, students, representatives from National, European and International Space Agencies, Value Adding Industries, Laboratories and Universities.
Demonstration Meetings
Join us at the demonstration meeting of ESA project Space For Shore and discover state of the art Remote Sensing approaches on Coastal Monitoring.
Started in February 2019, by a group of 5 Earth Observation SMEs (i-Sea, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Brockmann Consult GmbH, Terra Spatium, and Terrasigna), 4 dedicated remote sensing University Departments (University of Hamburg, Harokopio University, The Centre of Environmental and Marine Studies CESAM, Sfantu Gheorghe Marine and Fluvial research station SCMF) and a specialized consulting firm (Kapitech). Space For Shore ESA project aims to fill the gap for large – scale and affordable Earth Observation services. During the 2 years of the project more than 15 Space Based indicators will be tested and supplied over several European regions.
The ambition of Space For Shore partners is to deploy services to End Users, cost effective, tailored and sustainable applications to meet their needs at regional and local level on coastal monitoring.
We warmly invite you to join us at the Demonstration meetings to present you project’s outcomes and the future of coastal erosion monitoring.
The Space For Shore team.
For more information and registration click here
Newsletter December 2019
As part of the Coastal Erosion project funded by ESA, the Space for Shore consortium led by i-Sea aims at setting up operational services for coastal erosion monitoring from space. The services, designed by and for end-users, will be applied to most coastal geomorphologies and produced over nine distinct coastal regions within five EU countries.
Check our latest newsletter for the latest news on the progress of the Coastal Erosion project.
European Space Agency gives the opportunity to activate for a third year the Space for Shore consortium, led by i-Sea, in the frame of Coastal Erosion project. After having developed many tools, which made possible the monitoring of erosion dynamics for all types of European coasts, and after having massively applied them to more than 1,500 km of coast over a timespan of 25-year retrospective, our team is mobilising the monitoring of new areas with high issues to achieve operational services that are fully in line with the concerns and needs of coastal managers.
As part of the Coastal Erosion project funded by ESA, the Space for Shore consortium led by i-Sea aims at setting up operational services for coastal erosion monitoring from space. The services, designed by and for end-users, will be applied to most coastal geomorphologies and produced over nine distinct coastal regions within five EU countries.
The ESA Ocean Science Cluster involves a set of different ESA-funded scientific activities addressing different aspects of Ocean research.
i-Sea shared a special session with Argans (leader of the other consortium) to present the results of the successful project, and demonstrated the geoportal dedicated to the Space for Shore products.
1 / Watching out large-scale shoreline monitoring in Europe, comparison study from the Portuguese, French, German, Romanian, Norwegian, and Greek sandy coasts.
Abstract – Presentation
2 / The submerged parts of the coastal picture
3 / Shoreline change assessment in Svalbard Archipelago
The ESA Ocean Science Cluster involves a set of different ESA-funded scientific activities addressing different aspects of Ocean research.
i-Sea presented the Space for Shore consortium and the ESA Coastal Erosion Programme with the launch of the 3rd phase of project, during the Coastal Session.
Presentation here
8th International Conference on Civil Protection ; New Technologies
SafeGreece a modern and efficient Civil Protection event with the synergy and coordinated actions by all the stakeholders related to Civil Protection (CP) and representing local, regional, national and international CP bodies, the public and private domains, the High-End Technologies and the Academic Community. The main aim of the initiative is to bring together all these stakeholders by organizing regularly conferences under the name Safe Greece with national and international participation.
I-Sea and partners will be at the ESA Phi-Week Conference in Frascati on September 9-13, 2019. You are a remote sensing specialist and wants to know more about the methods used for tackling coastal erosion issues, find us there to hear about the latest advancements of the ESA Coastal Erosion Project.
Big picture of this ambitious project at the end of the third year, at ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.
Portugal (portuguese language):
These regional events are regularly proposed to showcase the progress in terms of developments, optimizations, productions conducted during the project. Here are the meetings organised in 2020.
A major event in the life of the ESA Coastal Erosion Project occurred in Bordeaux, France on 14-15 January 2020. All partners including coastal end users of the 5 participating countries were there. The meeting shew satellite-derived products as prototyped in the 9 regions during this 1st year of the project lifetime. End users shared their feedback and assessed how relevant these new datasets are for their concern.